“Help others but don’t make them feel you are helping them; don’t make beggars out of them...”
~ Anonymous
Accidental experience ...
11 years ago
Quotable Quote... (QQ) is a series that I had fortuitously started in my office; where I used to send a quote daily (almost) to people who had subscribed for it & by the time I stopped it a few years back, there were a whooping 550 subscribers across organizations :) This blog is to relive those quotes... All quotes are from a personalized collection, hand written in a notebook ... originally created by my aunt ... later inherited and augmented by me :) Cheers!!!
HELP is not a means of RECOGNITION.
well said mate!
@keshi -> Precisely ... those who help with the aim of recognition are helping themselves and not the others ...
@kp -> thanks bro !!! and wats happen to your blog? you removed all the posts??? phari thi kai low period chalu thai gayo che ke ? hopefully it will get over soon ...
What do you call those who make beggars out of those who have not even cried for help just because they think they have given?
@solitaire -> I wouldn't even bother calling them anything at all ... :) no wait ... how about
@hiren..naah dude, busy with work still trying to find new template for blog, cant seem to find anything, will have it up and running by this weekend hopefully.
I will only add this - you dont have to make them feel that you are helping them - sure
but at the same time you have to be careful that you are not overdoing it - to an extent where you make the other person handicap and he/she cant fend for oneself...
Some people call this attitude of mine selfish - some call it prudence - I just say this - if I can do it so can you/he/she...
@kp -> m glad to hear that !!!
@ceedy -> 16 aane sachhi baat kahi hai tune :)
Help others but dont make dependents out of them ...
@ if I can do it so can you/he/she -
not always ... but I do agree with the essence of your comment ... and prudence is my VERDICT :)
*not always*
should I take it as a compliment ;)
@ceedy -> lol ... yep that was my precise intent :)
It's better not to give rather than giving half-heartedly or pompously.
@Sameera -> yes .... the intent behind helping should be only and only HELP ...
I like those adjectives Hiren. Now I know what some people are.
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