Tuesday, July 1, 2008

“Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers...”
~ Mignon McLaughlin.


ceedy said...

Yes and no - sometimes knowing certain limitations that are unavoidable (am talking about physical ones) one can actually experiment different ways out to gain power in that situation

Psychologically it might hamper your growth - true as you are always weary....

Keshi said...

I agree with Ceedy. Yes and No. Cos sometimes it's best to learn our limitations sooner than later.


straight point said...

i think the quote wants to draw attention to the fact that we tend to look/focus at our limitations so much that we forget what our powers are...

Hiren said...

@ceedy -> wud agree to that .. there will be definitely some limitations that would be of "earlier you come to know about them; better" ... but as straight point pointed out this quote would have been written with a focus on not exploring our powers in the name of limitations ... :)

Hiren said...

@keshi -> ditto as above :)

@straight point -> thnks for dropping by ...

ceedy said...

Maybe its debatable....let me just put this argument - tell me what you feel....

Isnt it also powerful to learn our limitations? Not many people accept that they are shorthanded in some departments....

Doesnt the awarness of it make you a bit more powerful than ignoring it?

This is just for sake of discussion - not directed to anyone particular

Hiren said...

hmm ... bhai ... i agreee with your statement here ... but still i believe that if not literally, but then too this quote targets such people who did stop trying citing their limitation as a reason ...

btw you still havent commneted on the I-tag i executed ... am waiting for your sixth sense abilities :)